Wednesday, September 12, 2007

An update, and an adventure

I finally got all my pictures up on my wall, except for the set of four door frames. I need to go to a craft store and get some ribbon to hang them up, so I will probably do that today. Work is going good. Can't complain about much. I finally got my internet switched over to my new apartment, so now I have a faster service, which, I must say, I am completely spoiled, and I will not settle for anything less than 2mg.

Last night, I babysat Nicole's kids while she and ket went to the Temple. We had a lot of fun. I taught kasen how to do a backflip, and land on his feet. Oh, you should see him! He loves it! I bet he is going to be a gymnist growing up! He just loves to fly through the air with Nicole and Ket tossing him back and forth, and up! Now he's already doing backflips! Jesiah and Kassia played with their learning video games, and Jesiah is so bright! I can't believe some of the things he is learning! It is so great to see his brain in motion! Kassia really wanted to learn too! She asked me how to write the letter A, so I showed her, and she spent the next 15 or so minutes practicing writting an A on her cute little note pad. Oh, how adorable they are. Unfortunately, the night didn't turn out how I expected. Minutes before Nicole and Ket got home, Kassia got a bloody nose, and she was already in bed, so there was blood all over her blankets, and the hallway, and the bathroom. I've never seen so much blood come from the nose. Nicole said that it has happened a couple of other times this past week as well. I felt so bad for her. But after we got the mess cleaned up, nicole and I talked for a while, and I didn't end up getting home until close to midnight! Oh, but it did feel good to sleep in today!

Anyways, that was my adventure for last night. I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and LaDeDa!!!!


Anonymous said...

It is so nice that you get to spend time with Jesiah and Kassia and Kason. yOU are such a awesome Aunt. I truely miss you being here to spend nights chating with me.

tutu with love said...

I miss you so much here in little old Ontario!!!! So, I'm so glad you were with Kassia when she got a nose bleed. She does get them once in a while. Poor little angel.
Hey, whats up with you sleeping in,,,,your day off isn't till Friday...Ofcourse I am your Mother, not your Keeper, so you don't have to answer any questions that I as a inquireing mind may have......Salaveeeee

Krystal said...

I keep wondering if maybe Nicole should talk to her ped. about Kassia's nosebleeds...It seems to happen quite a lot!

tutu with love said...

I am so glad you were able to babysit for Nicole and Ket so they could go to the Temple. I know they love to go.

I am so excited to see all the pictures up. Did you also put pictures in the hall. The hall really needs some spuceing up.

How come you don't call me Chica?
Are ya to busy for yu momma? come on ...... call yo momma!!!!

This is posted my a dear friend of yu momma's.

Nicole said...

I am very gratefull that you watched my chillins for me. We had a good time at the temple. And I LOVE that I got to talk to you while ket went and worked helped me get the three loads of laundry done that has been sitting on my bed for days!!! Thanks again my dear!